Relating with the Advantage

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I’m very passionate about the Holyspirit and his ministry and everyday I seek for ways to build a legit relationship with him. 

To have an advantage is to be in a superior position over something. The Holyspirit is the Advantage in Christian living because he makes it easy. The ministry of the Holyspirit is so broad that one might not figure it all out in an entire lifetime and that is so humbling. I’ve heard time and time again that the Holyspirit is Jesus unlimited, he can be with everyone and anyone at the same time! I’ve also seen in the scriptures that he is a person, he has emotions, he can love, he can feel angry/grieved, he speaks, he hears, he touches, he holds, anything that makes one a person or have a personality, he has it. 

One can make a new friend and not give attention to that friend, after a while that friend will walk out because he has been ignored, just like that will the Holyspirit look “dormant” to a surrendered person if he doesn’t relate with him. Constantly and daily relating with the Holyspirit is the key to knowing him and hearing his voice thereby building a stable relationship with him. A couple that decide to live as two instead of one will fall into crisis soon enough. Aside being a comforter and teacher and helper, he wants to be a friend, best friend and a senior partner to us. Anyone that wants to make lasting impact in life and in God must have this relationship.

I have read extensively, the scriptures and spiritual books about the Holyspirit all in a bid to know how to establish this relationship. I read in “Goodmorning Holyspirit” a book by Pastor Benny Hinn, that the Holyspirit loves it when I talk to him, no matter what I talk about and he’s ever ready to respond. I started practicing it, I’d sit and start talking about my day or about something that happened with him like I was seeing him. I did that for a while without actually receiving any response, truthfully speaking, but one day I had a clash with someone and it hurt me so much! I cried and went to my room and I started reporting. You know when they beat a child outside and he comes home and starts reporting to his mummy, that’s how I started venting to him, stuff like “Holyspirit shey you’re seeing this person”.  At that moment I was so sad and soaked in my tears that I needed a hug and he gave me a hug. I can’t explain it, I still don’t understand it but it happened and immediately I was comforted, my heavy heart just deflated like a balloon. I was shook! So this talk of the Holyspirit can hold, touch, is real? It was a breakthrough in my relationship with him because since then, anywhere and anytime I will talk to him, he responds! and I don’t want to go one minute without him anymore.

It’s never too late build this relationship by talking to him about anything and everything, by worship and speaking in the unknown tongues. It is the sweetest thing ever! He is closer to you than the person beside you. He will listen to you and then speak back, yes, he holds conversations and answers questions even to the least telling you what dress to wear. An amazing personality that if once experienced, you’d never want to stay 5 minutes without him. Start! Start now! He longs for you. Stay also! stay with him, life can get hard but knowing you have a best friend that has just your interest at heart and is committed to making you a very bright light in darkness will make life look cheap and the devil’s efforts against you, frustrated!

Thank you for your time, please share this with as many people, let’s spread this gospel. Also, please leave a comment so I know what you think:)

3 Replies to “Relating with the Advantage”

  1. Wow…. I pray that by the Grace of God I’ll be able to get to know more about the holy spirit🤩🤩 This is amazing!!!

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