
Hey and welcome! 

Overwhelmed in my own definition and life is times when I feel a lot of emotions. It’s when I’m engrossed in getting something done that I barely can coordinate myself. In my seeking God experience, there’s been so many overwhelming moments when it’s seems like I’m going round in circles yet not attaining the results I’ve set. I do this blog, not because I’m an expert in the things of God, but because it is a journey and I want to always be able to share my experiences with as many as are equally on this Journey. Every post I make is something I’ve gone through or done. 

I earlier said I’ve been overwhelmed several times, an example is tasking myself to make a particular sacrifice and leave my comfort zone in other to seek the Lord and I end up not doing it. Sometimes, I’m at peace, encouraging myself that I’m getting there, other times I get frustrated and really sad. The latter however, I’ve noticed is very unhealthy for both me and my growth. Times like that, I’m so sure of my love for God, I’m so sure that I want to know and be more stable in my walk with God, just that I execute this goal poorly. That being said, I’ve come to a more stable point in my emotions and dealing with them and I’ll be sharing how:)

Growing in a relationship with Jesus is the utmost concern of anyone that truly wants to live the Jesus centric life. Truth is, it can and will get overwhelming at some point. A major secret to avoid this, is tasking to seek God should be replaced with love for God to seek God. If you love somebody, you will always want to be around them and you don’t have to say “I’ll be spending 3 hours with you today”. You just go and time flies, some even spend upto 8-9 hours with their lovers and don’t even want to leave by then. Why is that so? LOVE! I told myself that God isn’t forcing me, he could be prompting but never forcing me to spend time with him! and that I’m not here as a Christian by chance or out of coercion. So in this freedom of choice (which I’ve talked about before), I’m in a willful relationship with Jesus and as such don’t have to task myself to be with him. 

I’ve learnt to just to what I do out of love and awe of God and not do it like a chore.

Other things like intercession, warfare, petitions, etc principles are applied and instructions are to be obeyed etc but when it comes to relationship, just wanting to know God to the relate with him?! It must be birthed from love and adoration of him else it can be overwhelming. By the time you worship, praise, talk, listen, study his word, pray and just enjoy his presence before you know it! You’re there for over 4 hours already, AMAZING INIT?

Please leave a comment so I know what you think, we could interact also, let me know what areas overwhelm you in your journey😘

8 Replies to “Overwhelmed”

  1. Loving God makes you want to be in a relationship with him,and relationships are like journeys some path of this journey will be rough you’ll feel like giving up but this is where you prove this LOVE for God you just have to keep on going in this journey till you reach “the destination “.

    1. The destination is when we’re translated into eternal glory yh?🤗 when we will be with him

  2. This is beautiful! Actuyally, I face some challenges myself. I find it difficult to spend more time in God’s presence, it’s been more like a chore to me. For instance, after every service on Sundays I’d want to stay for the next but find myself walking home immediately after papa shares the grace, even if I keep hearing a voice inside of me urging me to stay a bit more but I always find a way to ignore it and then regretting it afterwards. Does this mean I don’t love God?

    1. Not atall, the urge to stay in service is a good start. I’m sure you love God, maybe just maybe not you need to work on it more, I mean, Feelings grow. I can tell you more tho, please text me💕

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