Don’t settle.

Hello and welcome! It’s so lovely to have you here. Happy new year🎉. Incase you’re new to this space, you’re welcome, you can click the menu to know more about me and this blog.

This year, I’ll be adding a new feature to this space. At the end of every post, there’ll be a link to download a faith building song in relation. It’s important we are consecrated this year in every area including our music and movies. 

Last time I shared on planning for the new year, strategising and doing. The year is come and it isn’t waiting for anybody, it’s just moving and it is our responsibility to make the most out of it. When I was doing my planning, I knew that things have to be different ranging from my thoughts, actions, words, how I use my time and what I use my time for, I’ll need to make sacrifices for things to be different. The status quo is an existing way in which things are done. In the body of Christ today, we are comfortable with comfortable Christianity. I know this because I’ve been there.There seems to be a normal way of doing things and most times we don’t strive to challenge this, we just go with the flow. It is important to be consistent at a level but it’s “importanter” to not settle because there is more. 

There is so much possibilities in this kingdom. Thank God that I can pray and get headache healed, but how about Hiv? Thank Jesus I study 5 verses of the Bible daily, but I can do 5 chapters. This year, it’s important we strive for spiritual growth above all else. We can’t do that if we settle for the status quo. We can’t do the same things we did last year and expect a different result. No pressure but this is an attempt to push us(yes us) to see more, to do more and walk more accurately with God. 

January, 2020, I started with God but settled for Sunday Christianity for months. In April I strived for more, I wanted a deeper relationship, and that has brought me to the point I am but it’s time for more again. Challenging the status quo will require certain sacrifices, For example; If others are settling for hard labour to make ends meet, and no Favour. I can decide to rise above that, I’d do something different, something others aren’t doing, search the word for instructions on how to activate Favour. We can’t exhaust all there is to God, no matter what level you are right now, don’t settle, there’s more.

I pray that this year, we rise Intentionally above the status quo, we make sacrifices and we grow more firmly! In Jesus name. Thank you for your time. 

The recommended song for today is “Settle for less” – Khata Mthethwa Listen and get angry with the status quo! Also be blessed. 

If you don’t have a relationship with Jesus, it’s high time you did because life without Christ is full of crisis. Please click “menu” and pray “the salvation prayer”. God bless. 

What’s for 2021?

Hello! And welcome! It’s so lovely to have you here. Thank you for your time. 

This is my last blog post for the year, hurray! It’s been an amazing time, just sharing my little knowledge! I’m elated for the future holds for me and this blog, it’s going to massive and that brings me to the title, “what’s for 2021?”. 

2020 was such a peculiar year, If I were to talk about it, it would be a long read. In all, we are more than conquerors! I was telling God just today, I don’t need any more conviction concerning the faith, that I survived 2020, my loved ones too? It’s enough conviction that the King of Zion truly is for me and on my side! This post is unlike anything I’ve ever put out. 2021 is knocking and a whole lot of people will just open up in excitement, butterflies in their bellies, which isn’t bad in itself but do you have a plan? Do you have strategies for the year? What about goals? Visions? Finding and fulfilling Destiny? No? You’re just excited it’s a new year? I hate to be a bearer of bad news but 2021 would be 2020 season 2 if you don’t have a plan to conquer the year. 

I’ve naturally been a non chalant, lazy, outrageously unconcerned with these type of topics. Do you know that not up until April, 2020: I had no plan for my life?  I’m grateful for the people I met this year, if not for anything else, they pointed my attention to purpose. I was really challenged this year, and I’m beyond grateful for that. So I’m here to challenge you too! Please for destiny sake, do not enter 2021 casually. We love God AND we are diligent in pursuing and fulfilling purpose. 

Pastor Jerry Eze(A Nigerian preacher) said something that stuck, he said, some people have skyscraper destinies and use “I pass my neighbor” (a tiny generator) to power it and think it’s something. Let me add that the generator will not just blow, it will spoil a lot of things. In our various fields where we’ve been purposed by God to shine his light, it is our duty to take up responsibility… build capacity, gain wisdom, write down the vision, strategise, be discipline and diligent, gain mastery and ultimately engage the Holyspirit, OUR ADVANTAGE. You really can’t make sacrifices or arrive at a future you don’t have sight of. Per-adventure you don’t have a plan for 2021, I’d advise you take some time off. Separate yourself, pray about it, think strategically, find facts, consult the Holyspirit, and after all done, write down the plans and goals (it’s important to be realistic), then go ahead to accept responsibility! His grace is sufficient. 

Thank you again for your time, One last thing, it’s important to be sensitive to seasons. For some, this is majorly a season of waiting. Stay with God! Ask him questions, build up your spirit man to align to his will, it pays. Above all, WATCH, PRAY AND BE THANKFUL. I’m excited for 2021! Happy new year Jesus people.🎉

Certainty in an uncertain world.

Hey! And welcome to my blog. It’s so lovely to have you here. It’s been a while since I last made a post and I apologize to those who have been anticipating. As usual, I’m inspired by what I go through because, this is a Journey and reality can alter our mindsets and even what we hear in church, but our ability to go through life and experience it for ourselves, coming out victorious is what keeps us unshakable. This year has been a rollercoaster of unfair happenings, It’s quite hard to pretend like we don’t care so we don’t seem faithless as Christians. So instead, don’t pretend, talk to God!

Yes, your emotions are allover the place. You’re stressed from all the hustling and bustling? most definitely. You’ve had unpleasant experiences? sad but it happened. Your mental health is deteriorating? It’s nothing to be ashamed of. You are trying to be strong and ignore the part of you that wants to just scream out and cry out the pain. Well, I’ve been there and let me tell you how I’ve been handling the uncertainties I face. 

When things were obviously going south, I tried to pretend it wasn’t until I couldn’t anymore, there are people who are engraced like that but not me! So what I started doing is talking, oh! Ask God about me, After thanking him, I rant! I will talk about everything, how I really am not strong enough to handle some things and most times I’m crying profusely. So this went on and I always felt a bit better after each session but it wasn’t quite enough, still I’d pray about other things yet and move on. One time, this happened again, I needed more than feeling better, I needed a solution, so as usual, I cried to God and spoke to him like I was seeing him and I fell on my face, I felt a very warm hug that gave me not just relief but peace! It was too real, I was almost scared. I felt like nothing was worth all that trouble I was putting myself through.

In this moment, Ideas began to come and I realized that it wasn’t that deep, the solutions were right there before me, I started thinking to myself; why I wasted my tears. Most importantly, things became clearer; God doesn’t want you to appear strong, you BE strong by drawing from his Joy and you can’t feel his joy if you wallow in self deceit, shame or the issue. No, never be ashamed to talk to your Father, it’s amazing to blast in the Holyghost, it’s beautiful to sing and worship him but it’s also very necessary to vent to God! 

Psalm 142:1-2 With my voice I cry out to the LORD; with my voice I plead for mercy to the LORD. I pour out my complaint before him; I tell my trouble before him.

Casting your cares upon him for he cares and WILL HELP YOU THROUGH, either by referring you to scriptures that will help and direct you or by speaking to your heart. Venting to God achieves 4 major things;

  • Secrecy and honesty(he won’t expose you, he actually cares about you)
  • Peace(he takes the burden away)
  • Solutions and wisdom(he gives you working ways and direction out of it or through it)
  • Intimacy(it strengthens the relationship between you and God)

Life won’t be all rosy and certain but a talking relationship with the Father is what gives us peace and wisdom to take on life’s uncertainties. 

Fishers of men

Hey! and welcome, it’s amazing to have you here, stay blessed:)

A long time ago in children church there’s this song we’d sing “I will make you fishers of men, fishers of men, fishers of men, I will make you fishers of men, if you follow me”. This song came from Matthew 4:19, where Jesus is seen getting his disciples and he comes across the brothers(fishers) Simon and Andrew and he says to them to follow him and he will make them fishers if men. Isn’t it amazing that as people in Jesus, we are ordained to fish for other people to join us? This is the great commission and the primary duty of any believer.

It is sad that these days, believers chose to focus on secondary things and what we can get from God than what God wants from us. I’ve been like that for a while, being in the faith but not telling others about the faith. There’s joy in heaven over a soul that turns to God, I’ve realized that it’d be lovely to be a constant joy giver to heaven. Seeing how amazing being in Christ is, it is only so selfless to let others know about it. The gospel is meant to be shared, the same way it was shared to us; it is meant to be shared to others too. Our lifestyle is a major instrument of soul winning, we can win people to Jesus by being who God has called us to be, holy, faithful and shining lights on earth. Seeing the life of people living in Christ, representing heaven and doing the will of God and equally enjoying the blessings that come with that is what shows the world the difference between being in the world and being with and in God. 

A deliberate attempt to life like Jesus will help with soul winning. Also, going out to tell friends, family and people we come across about the finished work of Jesus for them and how much Jesus longs to have a relationship with them backed up with prayers for their souls is another major way of being a fisher of men. In doing this, we are being obedient to God and we’re in line with his will for our lives which is to go out and tell the world about him. It starts with you and I, we’re not to wait for our pastors or evangelists, we don’t have to be anything apart from being born again to preach the gospel. A simple “Jesus loves you” that you will say will help a soul escape hell. 

Go out! You’re an ambassador of heaven, you’re to represent Christ in lifestyle and verbally, also in intercession. Tell somebody about Jesus, because only then shall we be many! The Holyspirit will help us in Jesus name.


Hey and welcome! 

Overwhelmed in my own definition and life is times when I feel a lot of emotions. It’s when I’m engrossed in getting something done that I barely can coordinate myself. In my seeking God experience, there’s been so many overwhelming moments when it’s seems like I’m going round in circles yet not attaining the results I’ve set. I do this blog, not because I’m an expert in the things of God, but because it is a journey and I want to always be able to share my experiences with as many as are equally on this Journey. Every post I make is something I’ve gone through or done. 

I earlier said I’ve been overwhelmed several times, an example is tasking myself to make a particular sacrifice and leave my comfort zone in other to seek the Lord and I end up not doing it. Sometimes, I’m at peace, encouraging myself that I’m getting there, other times I get frustrated and really sad. The latter however, I’ve noticed is very unhealthy for both me and my growth. Times like that, I’m so sure of my love for God, I’m so sure that I want to know and be more stable in my walk with God, just that I execute this goal poorly. That being said, I’ve come to a more stable point in my emotions and dealing with them and I’ll be sharing how:)

Growing in a relationship with Jesus is the utmost concern of anyone that truly wants to live the Jesus centric life. Truth is, it can and will get overwhelming at some point. A major secret to avoid this, is tasking to seek God should be replaced with love for God to seek God. If you love somebody, you will always want to be around them and you don’t have to say “I’ll be spending 3 hours with you today”. You just go and time flies, some even spend upto 8-9 hours with their lovers and don’t even want to leave by then. Why is that so? LOVE! I told myself that God isn’t forcing me, he could be prompting but never forcing me to spend time with him! and that I’m not here as a Christian by chance or out of coercion. So in this freedom of choice (which I’ve talked about before), I’m in a willful relationship with Jesus and as such don’t have to task myself to be with him. 

I’ve learnt to just to what I do out of love and awe of God and not do it like a chore.

Other things like intercession, warfare, petitions, etc principles are applied and instructions are to be obeyed etc but when it comes to relationship, just wanting to know God to the relate with him?! It must be birthed from love and adoration of him else it can be overwhelming. By the time you worship, praise, talk, listen, study his word, pray and just enjoy his presence before you know it! You’re there for over 4 hours already, AMAZING INIT?

Please leave a comment so I know what you think, we could interact also, let me know what areas overwhelm you in your journey😘

Relating with the Advantage

Welcome! and Thank you for being here…

I’m very passionate about the Holyspirit and his ministry and everyday I seek for ways to build a legit relationship with him. 

To have an advantage is to be in a superior position over something. The Holyspirit is the Advantage in Christian living because he makes it easy. The ministry of the Holyspirit is so broad that one might not figure it all out in an entire lifetime and that is so humbling. I’ve heard time and time again that the Holyspirit is Jesus unlimited, he can be with everyone and anyone at the same time! I’ve also seen in the scriptures that he is a person, he has emotions, he can love, he can feel angry/grieved, he speaks, he hears, he touches, he holds, anything that makes one a person or have a personality, he has it. 

One can make a new friend and not give attention to that friend, after a while that friend will walk out because he has been ignored, just like that will the Holyspirit look “dormant” to a surrendered person if he doesn’t relate with him. Constantly and daily relating with the Holyspirit is the key to knowing him and hearing his voice thereby building a stable relationship with him. A couple that decide to live as two instead of one will fall into crisis soon enough. Aside being a comforter and teacher and helper, he wants to be a friend, best friend and a senior partner to us. Anyone that wants to make lasting impact in life and in God must have this relationship.

I have read extensively, the scriptures and spiritual books about the Holyspirit all in a bid to know how to establish this relationship. I read in “Goodmorning Holyspirit” a book by Pastor Benny Hinn, that the Holyspirit loves it when I talk to him, no matter what I talk about and he’s ever ready to respond. I started practicing it, I’d sit and start talking about my day or about something that happened with him like I was seeing him. I did that for a while without actually receiving any response, truthfully speaking, but one day I had a clash with someone and it hurt me so much! I cried and went to my room and I started reporting. You know when they beat a child outside and he comes home and starts reporting to his mummy, that’s how I started venting to him, stuff like “Holyspirit shey you’re seeing this person”.  At that moment I was so sad and soaked in my tears that I needed a hug and he gave me a hug. I can’t explain it, I still don’t understand it but it happened and immediately I was comforted, my heavy heart just deflated like a balloon. I was shook! So this talk of the Holyspirit can hold, touch, is real? It was a breakthrough in my relationship with him because since then, anywhere and anytime I will talk to him, he responds! and I don’t want to go one minute without him anymore.

It’s never too late build this relationship by talking to him about anything and everything, by worship and speaking in the unknown tongues. It is the sweetest thing ever! He is closer to you than the person beside you. He will listen to you and then speak back, yes, he holds conversations and answers questions even to the least telling you what dress to wear. An amazing personality that if once experienced, you’d never want to stay 5 minutes without him. Start! Start now! He longs for you. Stay also! stay with him, life can get hard but knowing you have a best friend that has just your interest at heart and is committed to making you a very bright light in darkness will make life look cheap and the devil’s efforts against you, frustrated!

Thank you for your time, please share this with as many people, let’s spread this gospel. Also, please leave a comment so I know what you think:)


Hello and Welcome. it’s amazing to have you here..

Comparison as I understand it is cross checking or judging your actions with the actions of other people. Growing up, a lot of us have been compared to “our mates” in behaviors, achievements and the rest. There is always one thing or another that brings about comparison and subconsciously, we too now use what others do to judge how well or how bad we do certain things.

In the body of Christ, I’ve noticed a lot of comparisons, I for one have been attacked because of my stance with Jesus. A very close person to me bursted out and asked me if I’m the only one that Jesus saved, because I do like I love him more; it was a shocker to me, I never “experredit”. I actually got angry and distanced myself from him because I didn’t want anybody to water my small fire because I’m “intimidating” them. Constantly, I get these statements “No dey do like say na only you sabi go church”, “you dey make me feel like say I no dey serve God well” and the likes…

Now, do you know what is funny about the whole thing, in as much as I don’t confront people who seem to be doing “better” in God than I am, I do compare what others do with what I do. For example, I see someone sweatlessly claiming to pray 4 hours stretch (I’ve heard 12 hours even) and I’m like looking at my 1 hour 30 minutes that I even struggled to stay in prayers and I’m like “omo nawa ohhh” when will I graduate from this level and I subconsciously downplay my time with God because it is not “4 hours”. This attitude of comparison is wrong, In as much as we strive to grow in God and be completely intoxicated in the things of God, we don’t get there by trying to or because someone else has gotten there, we grow because we love God and we seek him by the help of the Holyghost and over time, Godly character, lengthy prayer time, word time, complete drunkenness in God etc will eventually come to play.

15 minutes in prayer? Awesome, start from there and grow. Forcing 12 hours that isn’t led by the Holyghost will exhaust you! You’ve talked to one person about Jesus in a week? Amazing, start from there and grow to two per week. You want to worship like Min. Theopilus Sunday and Evang. Lawrence Oyor yet all that comes out of your mouth is the worship of a new believer? No problems, please worship in that little way. No need to exhaust yourself because of comparisons… just to mention a few, because there are so many other aspects where we compare ourselves to eachother, it is very unhealthy.

I always beg myself to follow God completely with my heart and strive for deeper realms because I love God not because someone else is already there; same for you reading this. This way we grow without exhausting ourselves. There was a time I thought prayer was boring and now here I am, not the best place I can be in my prayer life but it’s a process and I’m here for all of it! You should be too. 


The enemy called self

I appreciate the time you’ve taken out to read this.

Yes, the Devil is the enemy of believers and even unbelievers and he daily tries to take us far from God, making us vulnerable to his attacks. He does this by enticing us with the things our flesh/self likes, and when we give in to the lusts of our flesh, it robs us of a relationship with the spirit. 

The thing about self is you can go to church, serve, even pray and still be very fleshly. I lived like this for a very long while,  I sang on the altar, attended to new believers yet as soon as I left service, self took over. Flesh as I understand it; is a nature that is contrary to the spirit and will of God. This nature is persistent. Even as a born again child of God, it still seeks room to operate.

Flesh can make one look for provisions made available in Christ outside him, such as money, power, fulfillment and so on. That is, these things are available in God but for some reason or the other, the word of God isn’t enough and one starts seeking these things outside God to satisfy self. Also, the flesh can be petty things like sleeping instead of praying, eating when it’s time to fast, pressing phone when it’s time to study the word. Basically, it’s anything you do that satisfies you and makes you feel good but grieves the spirit.

The only solution to self is the spirit. I remember when I needed to stop living according to the dictates of my flesh. Yes, I was born again, one with Christ but this nature seemed to be getting a better part of me and I knew the only solution was the Holyspirit as said in the scriptures. I didn’t know how to engage him even though I spoke in tongues. I decided to find out how. I googled, I searched for messages, I read the scriptures found on google, I prayed in the Holyghost(without understanding). What did I not do to overcome this flesh? 

In my search for answers, I stumbled upon Kathryn Khulman’s message on how to be filled with the Holyghost. That message simplified everything, the answer was so simple, SURRENDER. 

The Holyghost doesn’t need us to struggle or beg him in tears and blackmail God for his help. He just wants us to be SURRENDERED(all caps for emphasis). To surrender isn’t just singing “I surrender, Lord”. It is much more than that. It is acknowledging how vain efforts to stop self can be and determination to go God’s way. It is sincerely needing the help of God to overcome and just saying “Lord, I cannot do this on my own”, and letting him takeover. When that’s done, everything flows without struggle, the hunger to know God more and be Christ like follows. There are times after this when self can be overwhelming (persistent), surrender still, it’s not a one time thing, the solution is always surrendering to the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus centeredness will be the testimony of our generation in Jesus name.

Thank you for reading up to this point, please leave a comment so I know what you think. Also, please share the link, let us spread this gospel!💋


ABBA simply means God as Father.

God is God of all flesh, but he’s only ABBA to his children. A man can be teacher to so many children at school but they can’t call him “father” or “daddy”, these names or dimensions of him being a father is just for his biological children or anyone he accepts as his responsibility. This applies to God, anyone can call on God as the maker of the heavens and earth and man but only his children can access the Father dimension of him. I find this really amazing because the power in that name is simply mind blowing. 

This dimension of God entails of God’s jealousy. Jealousy in the sense that he cares for his children and ensures that only good things come to them. An earthly father guards his children jealously, if he sees them doing anything unprofitable he sees to it that he corrects them, or he sees people with unpure intentions around them, he quickly cuts them off, he takes responsibility for their needs, he’s there for them in good and bad times and this is a different kind of love, that he really wouldn’t give to just any child. This is how and even much more God as ABBA cares jealously for his children. 

The very amazing part of God as ABBA, is his promises of all round comfort. All through the pages of the Bible, you literally see how capable God is, his promises and wishes for his children. A lot of his children don’t know this and they keep thinking of God as a far away entity that is so strict and heartless and just does what pleases him, NO! he’s your Father, and until you start relating with him as Father(after being born again of course) you may not enjoy the Father dimension of God. God IS with you,he’s your Father, the same way you meet your earthly father to talk about your needs and anything that you wish, and you’re sure he’d respond; in same way, call on God as Father and see how he responds to every matter of your heart that you present to him.

In the Old Testament, several places is seen where God as ABBA, fights for his children, curses those that curse his children, and takes vengeance on anyone that does his children any wrong, the psalmist had a lot of poems on how God rewards those who do wickedly to his children. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever; in that same way does ABBA fight the battles of his children. Engage ABBA today in your battles, needs, worries and anxieties and see his Fatherly love manifest. 

The God dimension to the unbelievers is that of God, the savior. He loves you so much and wants you, that’s why he has provided a substitutionary sacrifice for you, Jesus Christ. Please visit the “make peace with Jesus” page on the menu, I have a message for you.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope that our relationship with our ABBA is significantly affected and restored, Amen. Please leave a comment so I know what you think, and also, please share the link, let’s get this Gospel far!❤️

What next?

Hello! And welcome. If you are not born again, please click on “menu” and click the “make peace with Jesus” page. I have an interesting message for you.

When I got born again, I asked myself “what next”. What am I supposed to be doing now? How do I to react to new birth? 

I hope this helps every new believer and uncertain old believers.

Now that you’re born again, you have been translated into God’s kingdom, all your past sins have been forgiven. You are a brand new man in Christ. You are reconciled to Jesus, an ambassador for Christ. After so many “trys and errors” on what next to do, I realized that I don’t live for my self anymore. I now live to please Jesus, I now have to do his will and engage his principles for living.

The Christ centered living is what’s next. After being born again, I got baptised in water by immersion(various churches conduct this) then, I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. An instance; the Christ centered living is the door, the key to that door is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 

No man can successfully follow God’s way, live like Christ, love God genuinely, put God first and completely yield to the word of God by power or might, it will lead to frustration I tell you.

The baptism of the Holyspirit is what gives beauty and simplicity to Christianity.

A sought out for evidence of this baptism is the gift of speaking in tongues.

Sudden love for God and the things of God, boldness to talk about Jesus, hatred for sin and actions that displease God, an alive conscience are also proofs of this Holyghost baptism amongst others. The Holyspirit is the ADVANTAGE of the believers. 

Like a room swept(that’s how we are after new birth), if nothing fills that room, give it time, the dirts and dust will be back. A new believer who doesn’t receive the Holyspirit, soon enough the old life will be back, in an even worse way.

The Holyspirit baptises as he wills. I got mine with the evidence of speaking in tongues when I asked for it. Others can receive this baptism through laying on of hands, prayers of anyone who has understanding, fellowship of the brethren (church service), waiting on the lord (like the apostles). 

It doesn’t matter what way or how long it takes to receive this baptism, truth is, when it comes, you will know. The evidence will be crystal clear. Anyone whose baptism seems to be “wasting time”, maybe hands have been layed on you and yet nothing or you’ve been prayed for, still nothing. Just an advice from me; wait on lord in a fast, meditate on the book of Acts of the apostles and ASK!!! I asked before I received and my bible tells me that if our earthly fathers can give good gifts when we ask, how much more our heavenly father when we ask him to fill us with his Holyspirit.

I hope you got something from this post, feel free to leave a comment so I know what you think. Also, share with as many people and new believers as possible, let’s get this gospel far💋