Certainty in an uncertain world.

Hey! And welcome to my blog. It’s so lovely to have you here. It’s been a while since I last made a post and I apologize to those who have been anticipating. As usual, I’m inspired by what I go through because, this is a Journey and reality can alter our mindsets and even what we hear in church, but our ability to go through life and experience it for ourselves, coming out victorious is what keeps us unshakable. This year has been a rollercoaster of unfair happenings, It’s quite hard to pretend like we don’t care so we don’t seem faithless as Christians. So instead, don’t pretend, talk to God!

Yes, your emotions are allover the place. You’re stressed from all the hustling and bustling? most definitely. You’ve had unpleasant experiences? sad but it happened. Your mental health is deteriorating? It’s nothing to be ashamed of. You are trying to be strong and ignore the part of you that wants to just scream out and cry out the pain. Well, I’ve been there and let me tell you how I’ve been handling the uncertainties I face. 

When things were obviously going south, I tried to pretend it wasn’t until I couldn’t anymore, there are people who are engraced like that but not me! So what I started doing is talking, oh! Ask God about me, After thanking him, I rant! I will talk about everything, how I really am not strong enough to handle some things and most times I’m crying profusely. So this went on and I always felt a bit better after each session but it wasn’t quite enough, still I’d pray about other things yet and move on. One time, this happened again, I needed more than feeling better, I needed a solution, so as usual, I cried to God and spoke to him like I was seeing him and I fell on my face, I felt a very warm hug that gave me not just relief but peace! It was too real, I was almost scared. I felt like nothing was worth all that trouble I was putting myself through.

In this moment, Ideas began to come and I realized that it wasn’t that deep, the solutions were right there before me, I started thinking to myself; why I wasted my tears. Most importantly, things became clearer; God doesn’t want you to appear strong, you BE strong by drawing from his Joy and you can’t feel his joy if you wallow in self deceit, shame or the issue. No, never be ashamed to talk to your Father, it’s amazing to blast in the Holyghost, it’s beautiful to sing and worship him but it’s also very necessary to vent to God! 

Psalm 142:1-2 With my voice I cry out to the LORD; with my voice I plead for mercy to the LORD. I pour out my complaint before him; I tell my trouble before him.

Casting your cares upon him for he cares and WILL HELP YOU THROUGH, either by referring you to scriptures that will help and direct you or by speaking to your heart. Venting to God achieves 4 major things;

  • Secrecy and honesty(he won’t expose you, he actually cares about you)
  • Peace(he takes the burden away)
  • Solutions and wisdom(he gives you working ways and direction out of it or through it)
  • Intimacy(it strengthens the relationship between you and God)

Life won’t be all rosy and certain but a talking relationship with the Father is what gives us peace and wisdom to take on life’s uncertainties. 

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